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Wonderful photos... by people like you!

These photos all appear in "Moments", the featured mosaic at our recent art show. The photos were collected in two phases: before the art show (part 1) and during the art show (part 2). If this artwork intrigues you, why not join our next project?

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Nicole-100_4219 bassam-Picture 691 bassam-Picture 702

by Nicole Florian

my surfshack on the island, called "La Finca Sirena"

Bassam Kuwatli

This picture was made the same way as the other one (on the right)
but the result was different. It looks as if there are many people
biking on the water and the mountain.

by Bassam Kuwatli

The picture was taken for West Vancouver from Vancouver across the
English Bay. I used a low shutter speed wile allowing my hand to shake.
I like to call this picture: "Dancing Lights". You could see little
people dancing (or Ice skating) on the water.

beatrice boat laura-Kits Beach laura-snow in Comox St

by Beatrice Schreiber

Waterscene in DEEP COVE- the pituresque village only a short drive away from
downtown Vancouver.
My familiy and I love to live here- a Sanctuary for our mind.
The beauty of the nature and the relaxed live style gives us a true feeling
of a "Cover".

by Laura Aveledo

The one in Kits beach, shows a nice view of downtown, Stanley parl, the ocean and the mountain.. what Vancouver is all about.

by Laura Aveledo

My home in Comox St, during a snow storm in 2004... It shows a different city, but is still Vancouver...

lezelle1 lezelle11 lezelle12

by Lezelle Mignot

Our first Christmas parade in Downtown Van shortly after arriving in November 2005......Can you tell I just love my new flag!!!!

by Lezelle Mignot

Taken on top of whistler last August on a mommy-daughter weekend getaway for a much needed break and quality time!

by Lezelle Mignot

Taken on top of whistler last August on a mommy-daughter weekend getaway for a much needed break and quality time!

belinda saed
Belinda Saed
604 - 338-2033
1 - 888 - 9 MOSAIC

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