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Wonderful photos... by people like you!

These photos all appear in "Moments", the featured mosaic at our recent art show. The photos were collected in two phases: before the art show (part 1) and during the art show (part 2). If this artwork intrigues you, why not join our next project?

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by Lezelle Mignot

Taken on top of whistler last August on a mommy-daughter weekend getaway for a much needed break and quality time!

by Lezelle Mignot

Taken on Burnaby mountain

by Lezelle Mignot

Taken on Burnaby mountain

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by Lezelle Mignot

Taken during the Celebration of Light Fireworks competition in English Bay last August.

by Lezelle Mignot by Lezelle Mignot
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by Lezelle Mignot

by Lezelle Mignot

Taken just before the Celebration of Light Fireworks competition in English Bay last August.

by Lezelle Mignot
belinda saed
Belinda Saed
604 - 338-2033
1 - 888 - 9 MOSAIC

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All content (c) Belinda Photo Garden Inc. 2007