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Wonderful photos... by people like you!

These photos all appear in "Moments", the featured mosaic at our recent art show. The photos were collected in two phases: before the art show (part 1) and during the art show (part 2). If this artwork intrigues you, why not join our next project?

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by Tess Lawson

This photo is of my dear friend Jennifer with her newborn, Lucy, at Children’s hospital in 2005.

by Tess Lawson

This photo was taken of the ‘hottub garden’ in my backyard in North Vancouver after a typical summer rainstorm June 2006. I just love the look of this picture – it is very ‘Vancouver, my home’ to me.

by Tess Lawson

This photo is of “Fred and me”. Fred is my friend and lives in Port Moody; this photo was taken at Christmas time 2005 by me holding the camera with my arm stretched out. The photo was taken just outside of his apartment building by a lake in the park across the street.

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by Jorge Posada by Jorge Posada

by Colin Lochhead

Ok, it's not the city but it's close by, does that count? Taken during the Telus Ski and Snowboard festival. I'm crying now that winter is over.

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by Colin Lochhead

My beautiful Navigator about to head out from Jericho for a day's paddle.

by Dave deRoy

Debbie and I in a self-portrait with my Canon SD300 point-and-shoot camera enjoying a walk around StanleyPark.

by Dave deRoy

My wife took this silhouette shot of me near the lighthouse in StanleyPark when the sun was setting. I was standing on a retaining wall and pointing to the Lion’s Gate bridge.

belinda saed
Belinda Saed
604 - 338-2033
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All content (c) Belinda Photo Garden Inc. 2007