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Wonderful photos... by people like you!

These photos all appear in "Moments", the featured mosaic at our recent art show. The photos were collected in two phases: before the art show (part 1) and during the art show (part 2). If this artwork intrigues you, why not join our next project?

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Boat Classique's 6 at 7 evening DSC00171

by Mette Lourdes

The photographer is actually my sister in law, Florence Lourdes.

By Taisa Brosilovsky

The picture was taken on one of Classique Introduction's " 6 at 7" dinner
introductions evening. On the picture are John and Teresa.

by Laurel Clayton

A fiery sky in white rock with some special ladies. It is so special because we stayed on the beach side of the train tracks while a very long train went by and thus witnessed this spectacular site.

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by Laurel Clayton

White rock, at the kite festival a few weekends ago. my kicking the giant ball and my counsin abserving

by Laurel Clayton

One of my many wanders. Gotta love all the flowers

By Bernadette Berry

This is a picture from my living room. For me it is like meditation to look out on the water and to feel the calm and serenity. I love this view.

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by Daniel Ruiz

by Val Low

This is my son with his highschool team from Pemberton racing at the Alcan
Dragonboat Festival in Vancouver. They won the Gold medal in this
competition and went on that summer to race in the World Dragonboat
competiton in Poznan, Poland. Their competitors in Poland were the bulky
German and Polish teams and our team came home with a silver and 4 bronze
medals. Up until this point the team practiced in 2 voyager canoes on a
small lake outside of town and only spent a few practices in actual
dragonboats. Our town population at that time was about 1600 people.

By Claire LeLacheur

This is my house after I spent the summer scrapping sanding and painting and then repainting the whole house and then landscaping it.

Pretty good Huh?

belinda saed
Belinda Saed
604 - 338-2033
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All content (c) Belinda Photo Garden Inc. 2007