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Wonderful photos... by people like you!

These photos all appear in "Moments", the featured mosaic at our recent art show. The photos were collected in two phases: before the art show (part 1) and during the art show (part 2). If this artwork intrigues you, why not join our next project?

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AnneBoat and Moon AnneJasonBoat01 AnneSunset
by Anne Ward by Anne Ward by Anne Ward
AnneWater01 Claudia-elpuente Elinor-IMG_6106
by Anne Ward

by Claudia Jimenez

The Bridge (El Puente), Lost Lagoon, Stanley park, April 3, 2007

I was walking with my friend, it was his birthday, everything was perfect sunny day and good conversation.
When I look the bridge I saw a Masterpiece, like a painting from renaissance, so I took the pic, here is it.

by Elinor Warkentin

I love wind! And I love water too! Then there is Vancouver -- so much to love!

This picture was taken on a particularly windy day in March. I live just 5 minutes away from English Bay so I went out to enjoy the feel of the wind in my hair, a very cleansing feeling for me. The winds were reminiscent of the November winds which took out parts of Stanley Park. While photographing the wind and waves, I noticed my neighbour was in my viewfinder, with his camera taking photos also. How can nature be resisted?

Iris-birthday Iris-james-mommy Iris2554562-R1-014-5A.

by Iris Heckhausen

Here are a few pictures I love of myself and my angels. Hope one of them will suite the mural.
Thank you for allowing us all to be a part of something so special.

by Iris Heckhausen by Iris Heckhausen
belinda saed
Belinda Saed
604 - 338-2033
1 - 888 - 9 MOSAIC

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