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Wonderful photos... by people like you!

These photos all appear in "Moments", the featured mosaic at our recent art show. The photos were collected in two phases: before the art show (part 1) and during the art show (part 2). If this artwork intrigues you, why not join our next project?

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KayvonKhalilzadeh_02 KayvonKhalilzadeh_03 KayvonKhalilzadeh_04

by Kayvon Khalilzadeh

English Bay, 06/09/2006, Sunset, I love our city art

by Kayvon Khalilzadeh

In a street near First and Rupert, Spring 2007, The whole street was covered with branches full of blossoms coming from both sides an tunnel from heaven

by Kayvon Khalilzadeh

Sunset view from Lions Gate bridge (while driving), 2007, Everytime I am on the bridge I am reminded how lucky I am living in this city

Magic of Blooming Ozzie and the Gals po#E81E8 P1010034

by Taisa Brosilovsky

Cherry blooming this spring. "Magic of Blooming cherries"

by Ozzie Kipnes

This photo is special as we just finished walking our first Vancouver Half Marathon and we all did our personal Best!

I have been friends with one of them in the photo for over 20 years and this is what moms in their 40's do!

by Therese Saenz-Saldana

The biker chick photo was taken this last weekend by a close friend. I’m always about trying new things! Perfect day, perfect companion, and the red hair goes so well with the bike!

P1010036 P1010037 P1010038
by Gloria Bjork by Gloria Bjork by Gloria Bjork
belinda saed
Belinda Saed
604 - 338-2033
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